My Story
If you have happened upon this site, then just like me...you must be a fan of the Pomeranian.
My name is Tracy Ball. I am a member of the
Canadian Kennel Club and the
Pomeranian Club of Canada.
To tell my story, let me begin by going way back in time. Please bear with me a moment
as I reminisce...
I still recall one of my first pets...
When I was only 3 years old, my Aunt, bought me a baby skunk from a roadside peddler.
My folks asked me to give him a name and I called him Sammy. I also remember that with all his silly antics he would stomp his feet and playfully spin around and flip his tail as if to spray us.
He was so cute!
If he were scolded though, he would spitefully refuse to use his litter box, and instead, he’d do his business behind the stove or fridge! As fond of him as they were, my mother and father grew weary of this behaviour and Sammy found a new home at the Calgary zoo. I was taken there often to visit him. Of course I had no idea which of the little critters had been my Sammy, but I would call to him believing that he would remember me. After that, every pet we had in our home was named "Sammy." There was (a fish or two, or three, a cat, and several turtles). One day, my grandfather surprised me with a Pomeranian /Chihuahua puppy for my birthday. At which time I was told “You may name him, but you'll name him anything but, Sammy!”
I called him Chico, and since then, I've never lived without a dog in my home.
" time lapse "
My husband, & I bought a German Shepherd in 1974, and added another to the family in 1976. During this time we found and joined the Canadian Kennel Club and our own local
Red Deer and District Kennel Club, where we were first introduced to Dog shows and Eventing. We learned how to train our dogs, and participated in obedience trials. We met so many wonderful people in the dog world, and made some long lasting friendships.
The first time I met a pomeranian I was smitten.
So I went on the hunt for a good breeder.
I happened to find one of the best...
​Carol Graham of “Crystalton Pomeranians”.
Carol soon became my mentor and very dear friend.
Moving forward I wanted to breed one of the girls that I co-owned with Carol.
She suggested that we do a co-breeding and work together. I was so excited!
So with that, I started thinking about a Kennel Name.
Now, when ever my sister, Marnie, would visit me, she would come in and loudly declare... “Oohhh…TRIBBLES!” as my poms would dance gleefully at her feet. Marnie and I were huge STAR TREK fans growing up and we would laugh, as we remembered our favorite episode from the original series….
They were little furry aliens that invaded the Starship Enterprise.
And so, I fondly chose the name, TRIBBLE. It was registered with the
Canadian Kennel Club on April 26, 2021.
Carol and I are now co-breeding and showing some very lovely Poms.